Friday, 15 March 2019

Haven't done an update...

....So here's one.

Tomorrow is a day I've been looking forward to since Fan Expo last year, yep, tomorrow is Comic-Con Toronto, and me and daddy are going.

Now, Daddy had an interesting chat (over FB messenger) a couple of days ago, this lady was seeking advice on how to deal with a service animal issue she was having with a hotel. Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but she is in our realm of expertise, namely non-traditional service animals, in this case, she has a rat. Now, me and daddy have known about this duo for a little over a year, and have replied to posts made to FB. If you've read Sunki's blog you'll know that daddy used to have pet rats, there're one of daddies favorite pets, right up there with bunnies, of course. The trouble with having a rat as a service animal is their short lifespans, only three years (us bunnies live for  10+ years).
Anyway, this lady is going to be in Toronto this weekend attending a con, we hoped it was going to be Comic-Con, but no, she'll be at a differn't con called the Furnal Equinox (sort of like Comic-Con, but everyone dresses up as anthropomorphic animal characters (they are known in the cosplay world as Furries). We've got fingers, toes, paws, and ears crossed that we'll meet up tomorrow for lunch, the hotel where she is staying (and that con) are not too far away from where we'll be, and daddy DOESN'T want to repeat what happened to him at Fan Expo last year when he ate a sketchy hotdog (anything that isn't nanner is sketchy to me anyway), so we are going to eat elsewhere.

Oh, and daddy has fixed up my TIE fighter shell so it's easier to get on and off of my stroller. Before it was held on using zipties (6 of them), daddy figured out how to attach it using bungee cords, now we don't waste a bunch of money (and time) rigging everything up, but you'll just have to wait until Sunday when I post a blog about Comic-Con.